Inventing languages

Inventing languages

  • Klingon has developed a life of its own. 
  • so it’s not a language proper in the way that we understand it now, because really when we talk about a language it’s not just the vocabulary, it’s the grammar – nevertheless we still kind of look on her as the patron saint of modern conlanging.conlang, short for constructed language 
  • He wanted to make it easier for people to communicate with each other.
  • Er, no I got stuck on that one!
  • And speaking of creatures from outer space, did I get the right answer to your quiz question, Sam? : 그리고 우주에서 온 생명체 얘기가 나와서 말인데, 
  • The story must have been hard to follow but I’m sure the singing was out of this world!

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